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Simple GUI for WavesetsEvent

by IMF on 16 Jul'20 17:44 in gui granular synthesis wavesets wavesetsevent

A simple GUI for Waveset Synthesis. Requires WavesetsEvent, which should be placed in your SC extensions folder. Most of the code came from the includ

granular AM synthesis

by 56228375 on 19 Feb'17 01:06 in gui patterns osc amplitude modulation granular synthesis visualization

My first composition that goes beyond tweaking documentation examples. It uses a kind of granular synthesis where each grain is a short AM synthesized

In Divisions - Midterm: Plunderphonics with Granular Sampling (musc-9-plunderphonics)

by Jonathan Coon on 30 Oct'14 08:40 in electronic supercollider code granular granular synthesis sampling granular sampling musc9plunderphonics underoath ardour plunderphonics music computer

This track was created using SuperCollider and using granular sampling. The sampled track is In Division (Toxic Avenger Remix) by Underoath. The sampl

Granular Sampling GUI Demo 1

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:50 in gui synthesis techniques granular synthesis sampling

Graphical interface to experiment with granular sampling (one sound file at a time).

reception: educational (1)